مميزات الرسم الطبيعي للقلب
موقع رسم القلب الكهربي -الأطفال
Characteristics of a normal ECG
موقع رسم القلب الكهربي -الأطفال
Characteristics of a normal ECG
- Rhythm: sinus
- Rate: 60-100 bpm
- Conduction:
- PQ interval 120-200ms
- QRS width 60-100ms
- QTc interval 390-450ms (use the QTc calculator for this)
- Heart axis: between -30 and +90 degrees
- P wave morphology:
- The maximal height of the P wave is 2.5 mm in leads II and / or III
- The p wave is positive in II and AVF, and biphasic in V1
- The p wave duration is usually shorter than 0.12 seconds
- QRS morphology:
- No pathological Q waves
- No left or right ventricular hypertrophy
- No microvoltage
- Normal R wave propagation. (R waves increase in amplitude from V1-V5)
- ST morphology
- No ST elevation or depression
- T waves should be concordant with the QRS complex
- The ECG should not have changed from the previous ECG