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الجمعة، 24 مارس 2017

How do I begin to read an ECG?

How do I begin to read an ECG?   **    موقع الروابط

A short ECG registration of normal heart rhythm (sinus rhythm)
An example of a normal ECG. Click on the Image for an enlargement
Click on the ECG to see an enlargement. Where do you start when interpreting an ECG?
  • on the top left are the patient's information, name, sex and date of birth
  • at the right of that are below each other the Frequency, the conduction times (PQ,QRS,QT/QTc), and the heart axis (P-top axis, QRS axis and T-top axis)
  • further to the right is the interpretation of the ECG written (this often misses in a 'fresh' ECG, but later the interpretation of the cardiologist or computer will be added)
  • down left is the 'paper speed' (25 mm/s on the horizontal axis), the sensitivity (10mm/mV) and the filter's frequency (40Hz, filters noise from eg. lights)
  • finally there is a calibration on the ECG, on the beginning of every lead is a vertical block that shows with what amplitude a 1 mV signal is drawn. So the height and depth of these signals are a measurement for the voltage. If this is not the set at 10 mm, there is something wrong with the machine setting.
  • further we have the ECG leads themselves of course, these will be discussed below.
Note that the lay-out is different for every machine, but most machines will show the information above somewhere.

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